Aliens!!! Do they exist?

Since past few decades we have been searching for any extra terrestrial bodies in the universe that support life, similar to the Earth. It has been a subject of human interest to explore more! Aliens, since this fictitious character known to humans, had been widely discussed with a lot of interest all over the world. Many eyes all around the globe are searching for just a little sign of life in infinite space. Though writers and movie industries were benefited the most to include them as a character in their work till now. Sci-fi movies and novels including this fictitious characters are now-a-days most frequent far and wide. These movies give a rough idea that how would it be like to meet an alien, some of them depict that aliens are friendly whereas rest of them show them as our enemies who came to conquer the earth. But the only question arises in our mind is that “Do they really exist?”
Source: Google Images
Recently NASA had spotted a very similar solar system as of ours. Scientists and Astronomers are yet studying about them, and one amongst the seven planets of that solar system is comparable to the Earth. It’s not the first time that NASA has found such evidences. Hubble Space telescope, an eye in space, has helped NASA in collecting many such evidences. All such discoveries are being executed as a separate project and constantly monitored by NASA. Latest discovered solar system is named as TRAPPIST 1. It has seven planets in orbit and the star is of the same size as that of our sun.
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Source: Wikipedia
Even though if we found any evidence of life, reaching there would not be so easy, as it is 39 light years away, which means if the light signals are sent from Earth to those planets, it will take, for the fastest travelling thing in the Universe, 39 years to reach there! Again by any chance if there are any smart creatures on those planets, to understand those signals and respond back, it will take 39 years more to receive their answer! Till then we might have been dead if there isn’t anyone among us to survive till eternity. And yet God knows if government will be still paying to work on that project! This leaves us with a conclusion that yet if we recognize life on that planet; we cannot reach there, using our recent technology. According to Albert Einstein no object with mass can reach the speed of light, which makes it impossible to reach there, and even if our Homo-sapiens brain could find an alternative way to reach there, which again, say, will take about more than a century, we are just on an assumption that life may exist in the cosmos on planets other than the Earth.
Searching just for water and land on any planet doesn’t mean that it is surely life supportive. Water and land are the only primary two factors that can give a possibility of life as we know it. There are millions of other factors that are to be given secondary importance in search of life, thus reducing the probability of their existence.
            Talking about the probability of life in cosmos, one might say that there are infinite number of planets out there and one of them might be biologically active. But the fact to be noticed here is that half of the stars are to close to the center of a galaxy they belong to, where life cannot exist due to the presence of densely packed star systems which might produce extreme physical conditions to support life, whereas it does on earth because sun is at the outermost edge of Milky Way. Other than that there are many Binary star solar system in the universe which again cannot support life. Binary star system are those which have two stars in a single solar system. Planets in such solar system have a complex orbit, which is again repulsive to life because planets have to undergo extreme weather changes while orbiting.
            One more essential condition for life to develop in a sustainable solar system is that the age and size of the star heading that solar system should be accurate, most probably same as that of our sun. Based on their birth and death stars are classified accordingly. New born stars or baby stars have an ad hoc situation in their solar system, where planets are not even in their correct orbit. Second stage of stars is as of sun with a proper and well settled solar system. During the third stage where most of the fuel of a star is exhausted they turn into a red giant. And later either becomes a neutron star or a white dwarf. In a very rare case stars form a black hole. Stars biggest of their catagories in the universe turn into black holes. When star dies it is left with no fuel to keep itself to its original size so it starts shrinking due to its own gravity. Neutron stars are the smallest stars, only thousands of kilometers wide whereas white dwarfs are a little more bigger than them, too cold to heat nearest orbiting planets. Conversion of any star into a red giant indicates that life of the star is about to end. Thus reducing the work of astronomers to explore certain specified solar systems only!
            Deeper into a solar system, location of a planet is must. Too close to a star makes it very hot whereas far planets are colder. Moderate location also known as Goldilocks zone of a planet is the most preferred in search of life. After all these considerable factors, comes the significant ones: land and water. Satisfying all these factors, on no basis will give definite signs of life. These factors are followed by a sustainable atmosphere with a suitable weather conditions which are not too extreme for a living creature to adapt. The amount of elements present in the atmosphere also must be in proper proportion. For example if there is excess of CO2 in the atmosphere it will trap more heat, or absence of ozone will allow highly destructive UV rays into the atmosphere. One more leading feature is the magnetic field of the planet. It also plays the most important role in maintaining weather conditions of a planet. All the above factors combined may give us quite a small probability of existence of life. Searching for life in space is much like searching a needle in hay.
            Aliens are not the characters recently created in the beginning of Space exploration. Ever since the ages they have been in the Myths and Mythology of many tribes like the Egyptians, Mayans, etc. But they are mentioned as helpers from outer space sent by God. Their pictures reveal that they were very different from humans. If it was so then, where are they now? Why aren’t they helping us, when humans are on the verge of destroying this beautiful planet? According to these stories they will come to help us when it is necessary, and may be the time will come very soon.
            But till now we haven’t found any such creatures in space since the research began atleast for more than half a centuary now. There are many questions in people’s mind related to them like, when will we find them? What would it feel like, to know that we are not all alone in this dark universe? How would we be able to communiate with them? If there are such creatures in the universe, then are they trying to communicate with us? Or did they already found us and are keeping a watch over our actions? But the most important question remains, DO THEY REALLY EXIST? Or we just got lucky with all the perfect conditions and we are the only living creatures in the vast infinite universe!